SITUBONDO, Meresahkan warga, Polres Situbondo ambil tindakan tegas terhadap para remaja yang melakukan aksi balap…
Berita Terbaru

Satresnarkoba Polres Nganjuk Berhasil Tangkap Kurir Sabu Asal Kediri
Nganjuk – Satresnarkoba Polres Nganjuk mengamankan 1 orang yang diduga sebagai kurir sabu asal Kediri…

Polri Berhasil Ungkap 2 Kasus Penghimpunan Dana Ilegal yang Rugikan Warga
Jakarta – Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo memaparkan bahwa sepanjang tahun 2021 lalu, Korps Bhayangkara…

Tesla Q4 FY2021 Earnings Report
Tesla Inc. (TSLA) continues to post record profits and revenue as demand for electric vehicles…

What Is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)?
What Is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)? The term central bank digital currency (CBDC)…

Top Stocks for January 2022
The Russell 1000 Index is a market-capitalization-weighted index of the 1,000 largest publicly traded companies in the…

Insurance Inflation Protection
What’s Insurance Inflation Protection? Insurance inflation protection is Associate in Nursing insurance feature during which the…

Microsoft Buying Activision Blizzard
Stocks fall to start the week following last week’s decline as bank profits slipped. Meanwhile,…

Mulai Bermain Saham, Untuk Pemula
Mulai Bermain Saham, dilihat dari potensinya saham menjadi salah satu alternatif investasi masa kini yang…

4 Ways Life Insurance Helps Familiy Plan for the Future
While we cannot predict the future, we can always try and plan ahead. Life insurance…